Friday, July 13, 2012

Savory Celery

Although simple and overlooked by many, the celery plant has more to offer us than just cooling down the heat from our buffalo wings.  In recent studies, Texas A&M discovered that celery was used in medicine before it became a popular side in our veggie treys.  According to the study, the oldest record of the word celeri is in a 9th-century poem written in France or Italy, giving the medicinal uses and merits of the plant.  Studies showed that the celery seed was found in medications for pain relief and even lowered blood pressure.  

Although very inexpensive, I am always trying to find ways to save money.  A friend discovered that the base of the celery stalk that is cut can be put in water and can regrow MORE CELERY!  I had to give a are my results!

This is the first step: Day 1

Day 3

Day 5

Day 7

Day 9

I have cared for this baby like it was my baby!  Every day I change out the water to prevent any mold from developing.  So easy and so yummy!! 
Add celery to your weight loss plan and you will for sure see results!!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! Who knew!!! I love your blogs...keep them coming!
